Wang was first noticed by the international financial community in 1998, when he became executive deputy governor of south China's Guangdong to straighten widespread financial disorder in the province.
China is on alert after Japan dispatched fighter jets to airspace over the East China Sea, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said Tuesday.Special: Diaoyu Island Dispute
Comment: Easing tension over islands
At 38, Liu made a name for himself in China's political circles after he was elected in 1985 as one of the youngest alternate members of the 12th CPC Central Committee.
A government official in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province, has been removed from his post, after an investigation by local disciplinary authorities over his affair with a mistress.
Yu Zhengsheng, in the eyes of his colleagues, is a man who does not follow routines. He would avoid prearranged inspections and then make sudden visits; He is not interested in listening to subordinates' lengthy work reports, but likes to go straight to questions.
"Governing for the people" has been the principle Zhang has abided by ever since he began his political career. "No matter how high our cadres' posts are, we are still members of the general public. We must always bear the people in mind," he has said.
Participants or bystanders in legal proceedings cannot record or videotape trials, nor can they broadcast the court's activities live via e-mail, microblog or other forms of media.
The country's top court on Monday released a judicial interpretation for the amended Criminal Procedure Law to help courts better adapt to the revised law and ensure clients' rights.
Tokyo's new ambassador to China on Monday expressed his country's desire to boost economic links as a way to thaw cooling ties amid tension over the Diaoyu Islands.
Yu Zhengsheng, in the eyes of his colleagues, is a man who does not follow routines.
From an "educated youth" in the poor countryside to Party secretary of economically booming provinces and then to the position of vice-premier, Zhang Dejiang has made a steady advance into the top decision-making body of the Communist Party of China.