Chinese enterprises "desperately need" a large number of business and managerial talents for realizing their "Going Global" strategies, Wan Jifei, chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said on Thursday.
Every time I have been assigned to cover China's top annual political event, the two sessions, I have always enjoyed conversations I had about it outside the Great Hall of the People with different people, like talkative taxi drivers and grandmothers dancing on the square near my home.
While we grieve over the atrocities of the terror attack last Saturday, many may wonder why it occurred in Kunming. Why, if the attackers' minds were truly on Beijing, where China's top legislature would convene several days later, did it occur where it did?
A legislator from Shandong province has been hailed for his persistence over the past five years to push for new regulations to tackle air pollution and improve the nation's management of the environment.
China has no timetable for creating a comprehensive two-child policy and will stick with the current policy for the foreseeable future.
Premier Li Keqiang's Government Work Report at the annual National People's Congress session on Wednesday has been closely scrutinized by experts, media and governments around the world.
China on Thursday asked for respect and consideration of the legal rights of all ethnic groups in Ukraine.
The way of solving economic problems cannot be used for medical reform directly, and the awareness of respecting the life plays an important role in deepening reform.
China's agricultural minister Han Changfu stressed Thursday that rural land transfer should be carried out in a gradual and orderly manner and shall not be forced as local governments rush to achieve their reform goals.
Agriculture Minister Han Changfu told a press conference at the second session of the NPC on Thursday that he eats genetically modified (GM) food, mainly soybean oil.
Deputies attend the opening meeting of the second annual session of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC), March 5, 2014.