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  • Spreading wealth

    2013-09-27 11:46

    China's sovereign wealth fund banks on diversifying investmeng, with new focus on Africa.

  • Moving up the ladder

    2013-09-27 11:46

    Despite its present size and scale, China's first sovereign wealth fund had relatively humble beginnings. The Beijing-based wealth fund started off as a state-owned enterprise on Sept 29, 2007, with an initial corpus of $200 billion (148 billion euros).

  • Five years of milestones

    2013-09-27 11:46


  • Visible face of investment

    2013-09-27 11:46

    Though there is no firm yardstick to gauge its real impact, China Investment Corp has in many ways been the most representative face of Chinese investment in Europe. Apart from its regular activities such as equity and other investments, the fund has also played a key role by teaming up with other sovereign wealth funds for joint investments on the continent.

  • A worthy investment choice

    2013-09-27 11:46

    The recently published annual report of China Investment Corp, the Chinese sovereign wealth fund, had encouraging news for all Chinese. The fund had a return of 10.6 percent last year, greatly outstripping its performance the previous year, a loss of 4.3 percent. Given that CIC has billions of dollars of assets under management, even a 1 percent difference in investment returns can make a big difference in absolute terms.

  • Role of unifier reinforced

    2013-09-27 11:46

    Sovereign wealth fund is turning China into a strong force in global financial investment

  • Resource crunch

    2013-09-20 16:26

    It is not just Africa that finds itself dependent on how the China growth story unfolds over the next few years but the rest of the world too.

  • State of the economy

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Qian Liu,

  • On the path of steady growth

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Qian Liu believes "magic" high growth rate figures are now firmly in the past for China.

  • Slowing train still firmly on rails

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Investors in Africa have recently been in two minds as to whether the so-called China slowdown is something of which they need to be afraid.

  • China set to be major investor abroad

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Beijing's new economic goals will have far-reaching impact on other economies

  • New frontiers

    2013-09-13 13:10

    State-owned enterprises are paving the way for sustainable, meaningful development in Africa.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.