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China Daily Website  

  • Africa gets big boost in Shanghai

    2014-10-10 07:26

    The glittering towers of the Pudong New Area have long been China's unequivocal message to the world that it is in the full throes of modernization.

  • Opportunity throws open its doors

    2014-10-10 07:26

    Africa center will bring two closer together and help dispel ignorance

  • From legal umpire to business empire

    2014-10-10 07:26

    Former judge made crucial decision to leave the bench and move to africa with some t-shirts to sell.

  • Charge of the Internet bulls

    2014-10-03 07:52

    The IPO of Alibaba Group has made more than just Jack Ma happy

  • Clash of the four titans

    2014-10-03 07:52

    Jack Ma's Internet supremacy faces a stiff challenge

  • Alibaba and the 11,000 believers

    2014-10-03 07:52

    Rain fails to dampen a parade stretching from hangzhou to new york

  • Ma points way for would-be trailblazers

    2014-10-03 07:52

    Alibaba IPO is significant in underlining the ambitions of Chinese entrepreneurs

  • Towering ambition

    2014-09-26 08:37

    Soaring buildings have made China world's tallest country

  • Rising high from Africa's plains

    2014-09-26 08:37

    Chinese firms are building some of the continent's skylines

  • For upwardly mobile, more living space

    2014-09-26 08:37

    China is on track to become a country dominated by ultra-modern vertical communities, an international conference on tall buildings has been told.

  • A lot more than just reaching for the sky

    2014-09-26 08:37

    China's tall buildings represent progress for some, but aloof, energy sappers for others

  • It's back to China's urban future

    2014-09-26 08:37

    For seven years I had the great fortune to work for the Gensler architectural firm in Shanghai as the regional design director of Asia. During my time there, I traveled extensively in China, exploring neighborhoods and interacting with the people who live in them. Through these travels I began to understand that a city's plan could begin to change the way people interact with each other and their surroundings.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.