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  • Help entrepreneurial fence-sitters jump

    2015-06-12 06:37

    For me, topics of conversation during dinner with friends are always the best way to gauge social and economic trends. This is especially true in Shanghai, China's financial center, where I live.

  • Picking right investment target crucial

    2015-06-12 06:37

    In an extraordinary British documentary series, the latest edition being 56UP, a director has attempted to show how difficult it is for a person to escape their social class in the United Kingdom, highlighting how children from rich families tend to stay rich, while children from poor families often remain poor.

  • Shift: Laying the tracks to prosperity

    2015-06-05 07:47

    An overnight train ride from Nairobi to the seaside city of Mombasa can easily turn into a nightmare. It is not unusual for passengers to wake up in the morning stuck on the outskirts of the Kenyan capital. The train, which runs every two days, is supposed to leave Nairobi at 9 pm, but often does not depart until after midnight, and a journey that should take 15 hours can stretch to more than 20 hours.

  • Full steam ahead for Sino-Kenyan relations

    2015-06-05 07:47

    Many Kenyans say their misconceptions about the Chinese have gone after working with them on the Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway project.

  • Railroad project benefits towns along the way

    2015-06-05 07:47

    Completion of the Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway is still a year and a half away, but changes have already taken place along the line during construction.

  • Brighter day on the railway

    2015-06-05 07:47

    I have increasingly sustained a research interest in the nexus between economic growth and infrastructure development.

  • Women on top (almost)

    2015-05-29 09:29

    Ma Yingying says women are increasingly making their mark in Chinese business. The 33-year-old chief executive officer and founder of Lux Shine Media Company, which stages modernized performances of Peking Opera, says there is now a complete break from the male-dominated business environment of the past.

  • Career blessings of late childbirth

    2015-05-29 09:29

    Wang Chun took an unconventional approach to not letting children get in the way of her business career.

  • Athlete, model, actress, designer and now, boss

    2015-05-29 09:29

    Leading fashion designer Mary Ma insists she has achieved success in spite of, and not, because she is a beautiful woman.

  • Where the glass ceiling is still thick

    2015-05-29 09:29

    The journey to the corner office has never been easy for women anywhere in the world. It is even slower and harder for African women.

  • Positive steps to overcome the equality gap

    2015-05-29 09:29

    Across the world, women are becoming critical actors in the formal economy. The global, high-tech economy that values brains over brawn has also opened up a host of opportunities for women that were previously not available. In some countries, women form the bulk of college graduates and they are making serious inroads in every field.

  • Smaller Chinese factories win big in Africa

    2015-05-22 09:18

    Cao Min, head of the Eastern Africa China desk of Standard Bank of South Africa has advice that in many ways goes against the grain for him. Rather than investing in China, Africa provides a new and promising chance for such medium-sized investments, given China's slowing industrialization, he says.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.