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  • Markets await end of long and winding road

    2015-10-02 09:44

    It has taken years for China's state-owned enterprises to grow into the monolithic giants they are today, and efforts to change the way they are run is necessarily a highly complex, drawn-out task.

  • Fate of SOEs lies in their own hands

    2015-10-02 09:44

    The recently unveiled blueprint on extending the reform of state-owned enterprises is a beacon showing the way for the changes that lie ahead, and it underlines how important China's SOEs are to the national economy.

  • Reform holds hope for foreign investors

    2015-10-02 09:44

    Many aspects of the reform of state-owned enterprises have been widely discussed in recent years, but what the proposed changes mean to foreign investors has seldom been canvassed.

  • Ready, willing, and waiting

    2015-09-25 08:51

    When an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 787 disgorged its payload at Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, soon after midday on Sept 5, the stream of passengers heading toward the exits and the baggage carousels offered up an interesting story.

  • There are reasons for optimism

    2015-09-25 08:51

    Nigeria surpassed South Africa as Africa's leading economy in 2014, thanks to a rebasing to include new sectors such as e-commerce and mobile phones, a recalculation that had not been done since 1990.

  • Nigerian homes get water after a decade-long wait

    2015-09-25 08:51

    For 10 long years, Garba Abbas, along with hundreds of thousands of other people in Sokoto, northwestern Nigeria, struggled to live in a city short of water.

  • Muscle power times three

    2015-09-18 07:40

    Almost as soon as the International Olympic Committee announced seven weeks ago that Beijing would host the Winter Olympics in 2022, economic fundamentals in the capital, and more particularly its co-host city Zhangjiakou, began to shift.

  • Every post and every piste a winner

    2015-09-18 07:40

    Like an athlete shooting to instant fame after defeating much more fancied rivals, the impoverished county of Chongli, northwest of Beijing, continues to revel in sharing first place in an Olympic Games competition.

  • From mini Alps to maxi industry

    2015-09-18 07:40

    Born in a city a couple of hours away by car from the Alps, Elio Bossi was fortunate as a teenager to be able to develop his skiing skills with the help of a professional trainer.

  • Games promise to have lasting effect

    2015-09-18 07:40

    In seven years, Beijing will become the first city to have staged both the Summer and Winter Olympics. But what changes will Beijing 2022 bring to the host city and the surrounding areas?

  • Olympics are good news for regional plan

    2015-09-18 07:40

    Efforts to integrate and coordinate the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, also known as Jing-jin-ji, is one of the most important development strategies in China.

  • Stepping up

    2015-09-11 07:27

    Victor X. Liu could be the new face of China's manufacturing.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.