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  • It's all go on the intellectual frontier

    2013-11-22 13:10

    Media coverage of the Sino-African relationship tends to focus on what Chris Alden and Yoon Jung Park, in a recent book, have called the "upstairs" dimensions: Chinese investment in Africa, development aid and the impact of these relationships on geopolitics. The establishment of the BRICS group of emerging nations is probably the clearest indication of these shifts, and has attracted a great deal of debate. Media coverage of the BRICS, as with China-Africa relations more generally, has largely been dominated by economic and political issues.

  • Academics help shape multitude of dreams

    2013-11-22 13:10

    Think tanks forums provide the best avenue for exchanges between scholars from two sides

  • Gear change

    2013-11-15 09:54

    Decisive reforms in key areas and allowing the markets to play a bigger role will help China achieve sustainable growth and stabilize the global economy, experts say.

  • All-round reform

    2013-11-15 09:54

    Much has come from the third plenum regarding the management of State-owned assets, particularly State-owned enterprises. The reforms are not going to wipe SOEs out of existence, however.

  • Setting a blueprint for the future

    2013-11-15 09:54

    The history and significance of third Plenary Sessions since 1978

  • We have direction, now for the action

    2013-11-15 09:54

    From the statement issued after the Third Plenum of the Communist Party of China's Central Committee that finished on Nov 12, it is clear that the meeting has the potential to make history.

  • A new historic starting point

    2013-11-15 09:54

    History and our experience over more than 30 years show that the key to achieving national rejuvenation, prosperity and the well-being of the people is to rely on reform and the continuous yield of reform dividends.

  • Now the revolution can really begin

    2013-11-15 09:54

    New national reporm body means policies of change will be more effective than before

  • Launch zone

    2013-11-08 09:14

    New experimental project in Shanghai could herald the take-off of next round of economic reforms in the country.

  • Ease of doing business is key attraction

    2013-11-08 09:14

    European companies and others from across the world may be attracted to the Shanghai free trade zone because of light touch regulation compared with the rest of China, according to a leading business organization.

  • FTZ will be new economic driver

    2013-11-08 09:14

    Zone not necessarily intended to be as ambitious as some headlines suggest, says expert

  • Baby steps in the right direction

    2013-11-08 09:14

    Shanghai FTZ is an experiment that could lead to significant changes throughout China

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.