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  • They are here to teach, not to steal your job

    2014-08-08 09:41

    Education using robots promotes employment, says licensee for top US training system

  • No more games: Robots get serious in China

    2014-08-08 09:41

    The race is on to apply robotics to everything from making shoes to preparing food

  • China has key role to play in robotics

    2014-08-08 09:41

    Room to grow and the need for specialists such as application designers present lots of opportunities

  • Collaboration will ensure exciting future

    2014-08-08 09:41

    Vision of a joined-up way ahead for the Chinese and global robotics sector

  • Building bridges

    2014-08-01 09:19

    As economic, business and social relations between Africa and China deepen, more African students, young professionals and businesspeople are coming to China to live their dream.

  • Coach fulfilling the dream

    2014-08-01 09:19

    Visunda Mfuni arrived in China from Zambia four years ago as an 18-year old, fully intent on studying Chinese, then engineering, at the University of Chemical Technology in Beijing.

  • Cultivating new views

    2014-08-01 09:19

    The founder of the appreciate Africa network is a tireless advocate of teaching Chinese about the continent and improving people-to-people ties.

  • It makes good business sense

    2014-08-01 09:19

    Local residents and African traders who reside in South China have many reasons to work together.

  • Close ties must continue on all levels

    2014-08-01 09:19

    Strategic partnerships between China and Africa will offer rich opportunities to both sides.

  • Chinese firms help Gabon progress

    2014-07-25 08:44

    On the outskirts of Libreville, where women sell fresh fruit beneath palm trees and beach umbrellas, time seems to stand still.

  • Libreville, perfect place for both big and small

    2014-07-25 08:44

    More than 1,000 Chinese private companies and small businesses in Gabon are together making an economic impact on the country that rivals that of the big state-owned corporations.

  • An end to non-splendid isolation

    2014-07-25 08:44

    For years Gabon's economic capital has been cut off, but soon that will end

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.