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China Daily Website  

  • Energy for the future

    2013-10-18 09:34

    Government oversight will help nuclear power develop in a safe manner

  • China should transform into a green country

    2013-10-18 09:34

    Reliance on coal has to end if nation is to eliminate pollution

  • Deal driver

    2013-10-11 12:11

    At first glance, it is hard to find something in common between the Tonkolili and Palabora mining projects in western and southern Africa.

  • Striking the right balance

    2013-10-11 12:11

    Chinese businesses have been more proactive than others in utilizing the investment opportunities in Africa, says Abel Myburgh, associate director of the Africa Desk at global accountancy firm BDO.

  • Takeover turned into great makeover

    2013-10-11 12:11

    Tony Bannan still remembers the sinking feeling he had three years ago, when he learnt that his machine tool business was being taken over by a Chinese company.

  • Fruits to be harvested in the continent

    2013-10-11 12:11

    Africa has found favor with China, and China has become one of the largest investors in Africa, having concluded more transactions than any other country other than Britain and France.

  • Investment wisdom that lasts forever

    2013-10-11 12:11

    New wave of mid-sized private Chinese companies in Europe shows the way

  • Growth model

    2013-10-04 10:58

    African nations must study China's experience before pressing on, experts say.

  • Consumption versus investment

    2013-10-04 10:58

    Martyn Davies (pictured left), chief executive officer of Frontier Advisory, a leading research and strategy-consulting firm, based in Cape Town

  • More investment boosts consumption

    2013-10-04 10:58

    When Justin Yifu Lin speaks, people tend to listen.

  • The next best thing

    2013-10-04 10:58

    Despite China's increasing tolerance for slower economic growth and determination to improve the quality of its economic growth in the coming decade, many still feel that China should maintain a GDP growth of no lower than 7 percent to facilitate future reforms.

  • After the export boom, where to from here?

    2013-10-04 10:58

    No single growth model can be successful forever, and for China the time of reckoning has come

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.