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  • Initiative sets a course for prosperity

    2015-05-08 07:33

    Most people know how China became linked thousands of years ago with the Mediterranean and Europe through the Silk Road, a 6,500-kilometer trading route stretching across Central Asia. But not many people may know that a series of Chinese initiatives is bringing new life and vigor to these old central Asian trading posts.

  • Partnership drives Silk Road strategy

    2015-05-08 07:33

    After repeated delays and false starts, the long-awaited China Pakistan Economic Corridor project is finally happening.

  • City of opportunities

    2015-05-01 09:19

    When Abdullahi Tukur Bawa finished high school in northern Nigeria seven years ago, he was keen on going to Britain or the United States to pursue his studies. But his parents gave that idea short shrift. For them there was only one country he could possibly go to: China.

  • A bridge between Africa and China

    2015-05-01 09:19

    Adams Bodomo thinks that Africans in Guangzhou are a significant community and one worth researching in terms of its influence on future immigration policies in China and African development. He also thinks that this community contributes in various ways to the booming China-Africa relationship.

  • Guangzhou in focus

    2015-05-01 09:19

    Li Dong, a chemical engineering graduate from Zhejiang University, is renowned in China and Europe for documenting the experiences of foreigners in Guangzhou. The former engineer, who was born in the 1960s, thinks the presence of African migrants in Guangdong's capital city represents a milestone in the China-Africa relationship.

  • Building a bridge from China to Rwanda

    2015-05-01 09:19

    Margaret Liang says that even though her hometown, the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou, has had an influx of Africans, she did not know any of the newcomers.

  • Life and business flourish in a place

    2015-05-01 09:19

    In the 1980s it was difficult to find an African who lived in China. At the time the country seemed far flung and barely accessible.

  • Why the bulls keep running

    2015-04-24 07:27

    The Chinese stock market has been described by at least one analyst as being "on fire".

  • Experts' panel

    2015-04-24 07:27

    The Shanghai bull run verdict

  • Rise of the household investor

    2015-04-24 07:27

    We often think of market moves as simply getting from one level to another, but in China the debate seems to have turned to concerns around the quality of the underlying move.

  • China's stock market bonanza

    2015-04-24 07:27

    After several long years of sluggish performance, China's A-shares market in recent months staged one of the most impressive run-ups ever in global equities markets.

  • Urban role model

    2015-04-17 08:39

    Even as Africa looks to China as an exemplar while the continent's industrialization continues apace, it also hopes to avoid some of the costly mistakes China inevitably made in more than 30 years of rapid economic growth.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.