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  • Cape Verde shopkeepers gain recognition

    2014-06-13 09:19

    When the first conference of the Chinese in Africa/Africans in China Research Network was held in South Africa five years ago it was a revelation for me.

  • A grand opportunity for young scholars

    2014-06-13 09:19

    The arrival in Guangzhou of Africans from dozens of African countries increases the cultural diversity of the city, making it a living museum.

  • Home advantage

    2014-06-06 08:10

    Do international management consultancy firms still have the right answers for China?

  • Local firms challenging international giants

    2014-06-06 08:10

    Lyu Shujie says Chinese managements consultants are ready to take on the big international firms.

  • The right stuff for a changing world

    2014-06-06 08:10

    Edward Tse wants to change the face of global management consultancy forever.

  • Multinational consultants not old hat

    2014-06-06 08:10

    Having served in international consulting businesses for more than 20 years, Edward Tse, the former chairman of Booz & Company Greater China, made the decision to establish his own company, Gao Feng Advisory, in April.

  • The business of consulting is a two-way affair

    2014-06-06 08:10

    Over the past 20 years the rapid growth of the Chinese economy has provided an excellent opportunity for international consulting firms to expand their businesses in China.

  • Waters of life

    2014-05-30 09:25

    As Africa produces the kind of economic growth that is the envy of many countries and speeds along the road toward urbanization and mass consumerism, its lack of one particular resource threatens the whole project.

  • Expert helps Africa make tangible progress

    2014-05-30 09:25

    Li Fengting gets excited when he talks about Africa. "Every time I hop on a plane to Africa, I am always brimming with anticipation and excitement. It's just like coming home because I know everything and everyone there," says the 50-year-old, who often jokes that he goes to Africa more than he visits his hometown in Shandong province, less than a two-hour flight from Shanghai.

  • Thirst for water becomes acute

    2014-05-30 09:25

    Africa's freshwater reserves account for 10 percent of the world's total, and the world's second-largest freshwater lake, Victoria, lies on the continent. However, the distribution of rainfall across the continent, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, is far from uniform, for reasons such as global warming, desertification, falling lake and river levels, and reduced rainfall.

  • France should take a leaf from China's strides

    2014-05-30 09:25

    Omar Bongo, former president of Gabon, once said, "(Francophone) Africa without France is like a car without a driver. But France without Africa is like a car without petrol."

  • War on terrorism should be an all-out approach

    2014-05-30 09:25

    With 43 deaths and 94 injuries, the May 22 bomb attack in Urumqi has not only claimed the highest number of lives in a single attack in China, but also proven that terrorists are changing their modus operandi.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.