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  • One man's dream transforms into industrial showcase

    2015-07-17 10:47

    An industrial park that has become an African showcase - Ethiopia's Eastern Industry Zone - started with a man from China's Jiangsu province who had a pipe dream.

  • Chinese firms see Zimbabwe on the up

    2015-07-17 10:47

    A 100 trillion banknote in the now defunct Zimbabwean dollar became a symbol of this nation's hyperinflation-wracked economy several years ago, but Chinese companies see this country as a potential industrial giant waiting for takeoff.

  • Growth strategy needs to be nurtured

    2015-07-17 10:47

    The most recent financial crisis has forced African governments to look for alternatives to attract capital, investors and businesses to boost their economies in order to sustain growth and improve the lives of all Africans. The introduction of special economic zones into the continent was one such alternative.

  • Uplands of promise await the prepared

    2015-07-17 10:47

    Since China's reform and opening up began 35 or so years ago, huge changes have taken place in the way the country's companies are run.

  • Phone firms dial into smarter world

    2015-07-10 09:27

    For Zhou Hongyi, China's smartphone market is like "an ocean of blood", and yet it is an ocean he is happy to dive into. "I'm getting into this because I believe you can shake up any market, and those at the top cannot stay there forever," says Zhou, founder and CEO of Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd.

  • New phone emerges from Jobs' shadow

    2015-07-10 09:27

    He stood there looking for all the world like Steve Jobs - garbed in black T-shirt, blue jeans and holding his company's latest gadget.

  • Smartphone makers must up the ante

    2015-07-10 09:27

    Four years ago China overtook the United States as the world's No 1 smartphone market. Now the Chinese market is reaching saturation point, with about nine out of 10 mobile phones sold in 2014 being a smartphone.

  • Knocking Apple from top perch is a long-term project

    2015-07-10 09:27

    It is likely domestic smartphone brands such as Huawei will one day be able to challenge the likes of Samsung and Apple in global sales. But before that can happen - and it is still probably at least five years off - Chinese smartphone makers will need to do a lot to become global brands.

  • Banishing ghosts

    2015-07-03 07:14

    "I can't see any ghosts," exclaims Mel Lome, as he looks down out of his 29th-floor offices in Landmark Plaza over Zhengdong New District, the new part of Henan province's capital Zhengzhou.

  • 'Ghost town' greets new industries

    2015-07-03 07:14

    Zhengdong New District, a new area built in east Zhengzhou, is witnessing an influx of enterprises to expel the "ghosts", including some emerging and trendy businesses such as e-commerce and retail.

  • Planned district better than urban sprawl

    2015-07-03 07:14

    Zhou Dingyou insists Zhengzhou was in danger of coming to a gridlocked standstill if planners had not built a new area of the city.

  • The future of China's 'ghost cities'

    2015-07-03 07:14

    A ghost city is "an abandoned city with depleted resources, a high vacancy rate, few inhabitants, or that is dark at night" due to a lack of occupants, according to China's National Science and Technology Department's Terminology Committee.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.