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  • A relationship where learning is key

    2013-07-12 11:15

    The number of African students studying in China has surged in recent years. Most are undergraduates, and the number of students who pursue a master's or PhD degree is growing. These students have brought a different message to China, and the Chinese have begun to see from them a fresh new image of Africa. This is inseparable from the progress in China-Africa cooperation in education.

  • Academic exchanges a thick strand in ties

    2013-07-12 11:15

    A prediction that Africa would be 'the least important region for China' has, happily, turned out to be wrong.

  • Second opinion

    2013-07-05 12:07

    Fifty years after the first Chinese medics traveled to Africa to offer aid, the nature of healthcare collaboration is being re-examined.

  • China seen as model for African health

    2013-07-05 12:07

    China has an impressive record in delivering public health services and could play an important role in helping prevent disease in Africa, a health expert says.

  • Three decades of dedicated service

    2013-07-05 12:07

    China started sending medical teams to Botswana 32 years ago, and the first included 11 specialists from Fujian province in southeastern China. Forty-six Chinese medical specialists now work in the country, doing three-year stints.

  • Bottlenecks represent huge opportunity

    2013-07-05 12:07

    Although Africa has made considerable economic progress in recent years, many of its countries still face huge bottlenecks in the development of medical and health services.

  • The great allure of the sugar-coated pill

    2013-07-05 12:07

    Africa's drug market holds great commercial appeal, but turning that into cash is harder than it looks

  • Ground for growth

    2013-06-28 09:08

    The Population Bomb, a best-selling book warned of the mass starvation of humans in the 1970s and 1980s due to overpopulation.

  • Visiting experts prove popular with African farmers

    2013-06-28 09:08

    Chinese contributions to UN agricultural programs are reaping tangible benefits

  • Hopes for a money spinner in fiber

    2013-06-28 09:08

    Chinese-Tanzanian farm gets ready for peak production as sisal demand increases

  • Solving a continent's food crisis

    2013-06-28 09:08

    China's pioneering efforts are helping African nations develop their agricultural sectors

  • Seeds of revolution sown on the farm

    2013-06-28 09:08

    Investment and technology transfer have the potential to bring great changes in Africa

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  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.