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  • A new era of investment in Africa

    2014-12-19 11:55

    A scale weighing China's outward direct investments across the globe currently tilts heavily toward Asia, at a whopping 70 percent of total volume by 2013, most of which was poured into Hong Kong.

  • China's spending on fast track

    2014-12-19 11:22

    This year is a milestone for outward direct investment from China. The nation's outward investment is predicted to match or exceed the foreign direct investment flowing into China's mainland from other countries and economies.

  • A year of growth, within and without

    2014-12-12 11:57

    A call to promote exchanges between Chinese and African media by delegates at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation held in 2012 in Beijing allowed me to land a prestigious opportunity to work and train in China for one year.

  • The only way you'll find the answer

    2014-12-12 11:57

    A minibus that operated in the Ghanaian capital, Accra, in the late 1980s carried the inscription "Travel and see". I did not understand the real meaning of that until I started traveling to other countries from the mid 1990s.

  • Lessons of a killing and an election

    2014-12-12 11:57

    When I left Cameroon 11 months ago I knew very little about China. Yes, I knew it had become an important partner to Cameroon in recent years, that its economy was surging ahead, with growth in the double digits, and that some of its big cities were blighted by air pollution.

  • 10 things worth knowing about China

    2014-12-12 11:57

    To know and understand another country it is better to travel more than 10,000 kilometers than to read 10,000 books.

  • Vast potential, big challenges for investors

    2014-12-05 11:51

    Africa has become a huge magnet for foreign direct investment as a result of uninterrupted economic growth by big African countries for more than 10 years. In that time, the continent's GDP has grown about 6 percent a year on average.

  • Kenyan county paves way for FDI-led growth

    2014-12-05 11:51

    While other counties in Kenya has raised their taxes to boost revenue, Machakos county, a new county located about an hour and half's drive east of downtown Nairobi, has not changed them. Instead, it has focused on a less conventional idea: attracting foreign direct investment to create a sustainable economy.

  • Businesses cite biggest barriers in Africa

    2014-12-05 11:51

    Chinese investors and potential investors have long regarded a good China-African relationship as a solid basis on which they can build success. But often when the uninitiated finally step onto African soil they realize how simplistic the term "China-Africa relationship" really is.

  • How Kenya finally turned the corner on FDI

    2014-12-05 11:52

    Is Kenya ready for foreign direct investment? The answer is a cautious yes, and some background is important in backing up this optimism.

  • Door is wide open to overseas investors

    2014-12-05 11:52

    To attract foreign investors and entrepreneurs to Kenya, the country's private sector and the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry are fully committed to working with the Kenyan government to establish a regulatory system that facilitates a well-functioning market that protects the public interest.

  • Chinese tourists to Africa on rise

    2014-11-28 11:22

    Though the number of Chinese tourists going to Africa has been affected this year by the Ebola outbreak, experts and insiders are all confident that Chinese numbers will continue to rise.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.