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  • Showcasing the continent

    2013-07-26 09:51

    Chinese tourists who want a once-in-a lifetime experience must visit South Africa, says Bradley Brouwer.

  • Infrastructure is of the essence

    2013-07-26 09:51

    Preferential policies are needed to spruce up facilities at important destinations

  • Chinese tourists smitten by the charms of Africa

    2013-07-26 09:51

    As China beefs up investment in Africa, economic cooperation between the two parties is growing at breakneck pace, and the same is true of tourism.

  • Waiting for the crowds

    2013-07-26 09:51

    African nations must add more Chinese services to attract tourists

  • The deal in Little Africa

    2013-07-19 12:55

    For the same reason that practically every major capital in the world contains a Chinatown, there are Chinese cities that support an "Africatown".

  • Paying away from home

    2013-07-19 12:55

    Overseas communities of traders sending money back home could eliminate the need for aid in many African countries, suggests a chronicler of the African community in Guangzhou.

  • Sounding out of Africa

    2013-07-19 12:55

    Nigerian Lo-d rates his singing by the dancing of the crowds to whom he performs.

  • Shifting gravity

    2013-07-19 12:55

    Michael is one of the many Africans I know through my research in Guangzhou who has stopped dreaming of a life in Europe. He lived in Belgium and the Netherlands for years, but set his eyes on China after he was forced to return to his native Tanzania. "I worked without papers and had no rights. Here I am a businessman," he says to sum up the difference between being an immigrant in Europe and China.

  • Making their presence felt

    2013-07-19 12:55

    Concerted efforts are needed from all stakeholders to manage social change in Guangzhou

  • Shared wisdom

    2013-07-12 11:15

    China is now getting ready to further enhance its role in Africa by stepping up the pace of educational exchanges.

  • On the double to a degree

    2013-07-12 11:15

    Beijing Language and Culture University and Suez Canal University in Egypt plan to train students together.

  • Bringing IT home

    2013-07-12 11:15

    When African countries made the massive leap into the Wi-Fi era - many having skipped the cable age - Vlady Terimbere spotted the vital role that information and communication technologies would play in future development.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.