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  • Debunking the myth of ivory

    2015-03-13 09:29

    Before setting foot in China, Resson Kantai Duff and Christopher Kiarie imagined streets lined with Chinese people wearing exquisite bracelets, necklaces and earrings, all made of delicately carved ivory.

  • Together against the illegal wildlife trade

    2015-03-13 09:29

    March 3 was World Wildlife Day, when we paused to celebrate the astonishing diversity of fauna and flora on this planet, and reflect on the challenges they face.

  • In search of Net profit

    2015-03-06 09:32

    It is 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon, and more than a dozen youths are still waiting for job interviews outside the office of Jumia Kenya in downtown Nairobi. Three receptionists are so busy that a visitor who has just arrived is all but ignored.

  • Payments are just a phone call away

    2015-03-06 09:32

    An increasingly popular mobile payment service called M-Pesa is turning Kenya into a potentially lucrative e-commerce market in Africa.

  • Library encounter that turned a page

    2015-03-06 09:32

    A few years ago, for Wang Fengzhai any mention of Africa conjured up just two words: poverty and disease. In that regard, Wang, a university student, was similar to many millions of his Chinese compatriots.

  • The new e-commerce frontier

    2015-03-06 09:32

    To some, Africa is still the "Dark Continent", characterized by an abundance of gold, diamonds, silver, coal and oil but plagued by illiteracy, poverty and primitivity. To the enlightened, it is a brilliantly shining star, albeit smaller than the rest of the galaxy but growing much faster than the bigger stars.

  • Fight far from over

    2015-02-20 10:26

    China will keep sending medical workers, technology and relief supplies to help African countries with Ebola outbreaks as they are needed, says Cui Li, vice-minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

  • 'You are our special friends'

    2015-02-20 10:26

    Sierra Leone's President Ernest Bai Koroma says China has supported the country both in cash infusions and experts in the fight against the disease, adding that the Chinese have "come at a time when we needed them most". "You (China) have demonstrated to us that you are our special friends", he noted.

  • Better healthcare to ease Africans' plight

    2015-02-20 10:26

    China will continue its 50 years of medical cooperation with African countries, focusing on helping the countries to improve their capacity to fight infectious diseases, according to China's top health authority.

  • Expertise and ignorance in the fight against Ebola

    2015-02-20 10:26

    Zhang Liubo says he was shocked to see people outdoors when he first arrived as part of the Chinese medical team to fight the highly contagious and deadly Ebola virus in Sierra Leone.

  • Scientist on the front line

    2015-02-20 10:26

    On the team dispatched by the Chinese government to West Africa to combat Ebola, China's top virologist, Gao Fu, who's also a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, played different roles.

  • Cover Story

    2015-02-20 10:27

    Cover Story

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.