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  • Province's new focus for selling iron, steel

    2015-05-22 09:18

    Companies in Hebei province are eager to invest in Africa because of the continent's abundant natural resources, strong labor force and huge market demand, industry insiders say.

  • Yellow cake is a treat in area that is starved of jobs

    2015-05-22 09:18

    Chinese companies in Africa hoping to ride on the coat tails of their country's reputation for reliability and hard work need to take a good look at how they are operating in the continent, the head of a mining company in Namibia says.

  • A place for Africa on new Silk Road

    2015-05-22 09:18

    Recently, Chinese academia and media have engaged in a heated discussion over the government's One Belt, One Road initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

  • Kenya must take new look at education

    2015-05-22 09:18

    In the mid-1980s, Kenya realized there was not enough employment for the growing number of young people. This was particularly disconcerting when graduates filled the streets looking for elusive white-collar jobs.

  • Staking out a piece of the action

    2015-05-15 10:09

    In the early 1990s the rumbling of cement mixers in Kenya signaled the arrival of European construction firms. In some cases the work they did could save lives and received the appropriate accolades in such cases as the overpass built at a level crossing in Eldoret, in the country's west.

  • Underwater venture will give IT more backbone

    2015-05-15 10:09

    China's Huawei Technologies is helping Africa advance deeper into the digital age with such projects as upgrading an undersea cable to Europe, which will help in reducing the urban-rural digital divide and expansion of connectivity to libraries, schools and data-hungry users.

  • China's credentials shine in infrastructure game

    2015-05-15 10:09

    China has become a key economic partner for East Africa as China and Kenya embark on modernizing through ambitious infrastructure development programs.

  • Financiers no longer call all the shots

    2015-05-15 10:09

    In the 1990s and early 2000s, African governments seeking financing for capital-intensive and risky infrastructure projects were forced to accept financing, resources and delivery of projects from a single source, usually tied to the financier.

  • Fearful contractors should learn from rivals

    2015-05-15 10:09

    I recently attended a lobby group conference where African contractors complained that Chinese companies had taken over not only major projects such as roads, but also real estate projects.

  • Belt, Road built on reciprocity

    2015-05-08 07:33

    It is a vision with world-changing implications, an unfolding plan that will weave much of Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, and the Middle East much more closely together through a patchwork of diplomacy, new infrastructure and free-trade zones.

  • Financial system's shortcomings 'need to be filled'

    2015-05-08 07:33

    As the One Belt, One Road initiative unfolds, Chinese policymakers have the chance to finally give finance and the financial system the prominence they deserve as the country works with its neighbors in Southeast Asia, experts say.

  • Belt plan spotlights Central Asia

    2015-05-08 07:33

    The residents of Khiva in Uzbekistan might be forgiven for thinking the Silk Road trading caravans of old had come to stop at the mud-walled heart of their ancient trading city.

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  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.