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China Daily Website  

  • State of the economy

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Qian Liu,

  • On the path of steady growth

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Qian Liu believes "magic" high growth rate figures are now firmly in the past for China.

  • Slowing train still firmly on rails

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Investors in Africa have recently been in two minds as to whether the so-called China slowdown is something of which they need to be afraid.

  • China set to be major investor abroad

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Beijing's new economic goals will have far-reaching impact on other economies

  • New frontiers

    2013-09-13 13:10

    State-owned enterprises are paving the way for sustainable, meaningful development in Africa.

  • SOEs to have slower growth

    2013-09-13 13:10

    Maintaining profit growth of more than 10 percent will be a tough task for central state-owned enterprises, which will likely see their growth shrink from the third quarter, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has warned.

  • Building bridges in more ways than one

    2013-09-13 13:10

    In a unique scholarship scheme, 20 students from the Republic of Congo are pursuing their dreams of a professional career by studying at Chang'an University in Xi'an, Shaanxi province.

  • Invisible hand of the market is better

    2013-09-13 13:10

    It is often argued that China's state-owned enterprises have reached their peak in their home markets and need to spread wings. But can they find glory in Africa? It's a complex issue.

  • The long road to economic self-reliance

    2013-09-13 13:10

    Chinese companies can play an enormous role as Africa moves down the path of industrialization

  • Africa looks to the Orient for lessons

    2013-09-10 08:56

    Nobody questionsAfrica's industrialization process - only how it should Happen, where and with whom.

  • Getting it right

    2013-09-06 11:51

    Generally speaking, there is no argument - Africa needs industrialization to provide jobs, reduce poverty and improve economies.

  • Steel firm makes a big difference

    2013-09-06 11:51

    China's spectacular growth over the past 30 years has exacted a heavy toll on its environment, and now the country's leaders are seeking to rebalance the quest for economic success and the need for sustainable development. So as Chinese companies start to move factories to Africa to be closer to raw materials and markets, and to modernize their production methods, they are paying increasing attention to how their moves will affect the environment.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.