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  • Former PM's China vision

    2013-03-22 12:57

    China has a crucial role to play in resolving the current economic downturn in Europe and it is important for both sides to have a common vision for the future, says Michel Rocard, former prime minister of France.

  • New challenges for new leaders

    2013-03-22 12:57

    How can China realize "the Chinese dream" which President Xi Jinping called "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation?" With the formation of China's new government, led by Xi and Premier Li Keqiang, it is appropriate to describe this grand vision and to set forth the challenges that must be met.

  • The future is in their hands

    2013-03-22 12:57

    Xi Jinping's first official trip after being elected Party chief could turn out to be a good indicator of his policy focus. He went to Shenzhen and Guangzhou, the scene of Deng Xiaoping's symbolic and famous journey in 1992 which pushed China back onto a path of successful reform. To emphasize the message, Xi even laid a wreath in front of Deng's statue in Shenzhen, and planted a tree nearby. Since the Party Congress in November, a sense of anticipation has been created by the positive signals emanating from Xi, and Li Keqiang, elected president and premier last week.

  • A step in the right direction

    2013-03-22 12:57

    Action and inaction are often the words used by experts to differentiate the government functioning in China and the United States.

  • Back to nature

    2013-03-15 11:10

    China increases efforts to protect African wildlife through public campaigns and private missions.

  • The ongoing war

    2013-03-15 11:10

    Wildlife conservation needs more governmental support, expert says

  • Working for the 'lion king'

    2013-03-15 11:10

    'I never expected that one day I would be part of a patrolling team led by a wildlife enthusiast from China," says Sammy Mumeita, a 34-year-old Masai ranger in southern Kenya's Olkinyei Conservancy.

  • Animal instincts

    2013-03-15 11:10

    Africa's economic development will improve if its wildlife resources are looked after

  • Call of the wildlife

    2013-03-15 11:10

    The vast continent of Africa is abundantly blessed with an amazing variety of wildlife and their unique habitats, which attract large numbers of tourists and wildlife enthusiasts from far and wide.

  • Digging deeper

    2013-03-08 11:49

    Chinese investment in African mining industry comes in different forms and is crucial for both.

  • A 100-year investment

    2013-03-08 11:49

    One Chinese mining company is set to transform the economy of one African country.

  • Tanzania wants to power ahead

    2013-03-08 11:49

    Sospeter M. Muhongo is rare among politicians in that he is an acknowledged expert on his ministerial brief.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.