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  • Housing homeless has mixed record of success

    2014-11-21 13:22

    Many projects aimed at improving the living conditions of those living in slums across Africa have been carried out over the years, meeting with various degrees of success. Those generally regarded as having been successful include:

  • Smell or no smell, the work must go on

    2014-11-21 13:22

    Mathare, the second-largest slum in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, is surrounded by putrid-smelling rubbish and human waste.

  • Deep in the valley, school gets a new life

    2014-11-21 13:22

    In the deepest point of Mathare Valley, where Nairobi's second-largest slum is located, a sparkling new building stands in stark contrast to the run-down shanties made of dark sheets of iron that surround it.

  • The keys to a ghetto-free Nairobi

    2014-11-21 13:22

    Construction of the Kariakor flats sprung out of the first celebrated program to upgrade slums in Nairobi after Kenya's independence.

  • The curable slum problem

    2014-11-21 13:22

    In capitals across many African countries, more than half of the population resides in informal urban settlements.

  • Power ambitions

    2014-11-14 10:14

    Africa has a problem, and China has the solution, but many potential investors are shy about stepping in

  • China boosts Ghanaian grid

    2014-11-14 10:14

    One of the most beneficial results of the 54-year-old relationship between Ghana and China has been completion of the Bui Hydroelectric Power Project, which has provided a much-needed boost of 400 megawatts to the power-starved West African nation.

  • Power engagement is a matter of approach

    2014-11-14 10:14

    The business waters in Africa await testing by those who are courageous

  • Partnership good way to build infrastructure

    2014-11-14 10:14

    Western and Chinese firms working together can profitably help Africa meet development goals

  • Measures strict but visitors not barred

    2014-11-07 10:40

    The southern province which is the gateway to China for most Africans has no plans to reduce or limit the number of visitors from the continent.

  • Mass Ebola outbreak 'is unlikely'

    2014-11-07 10:40

    Nation continues to assist fight against deadly virus in West Africa

  • Good governance matters in virus fight

    2014-11-07 10:40

    Even until a few weeks ago, the majority of Chinese people believed that the Ebola epidemic, which has claimed more than 4,900 lives, mostly in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, was too far from home to worry about. But with the deadly virus traveling across the Atlantic, alarm bells have started ringing in China, which encountered Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 11 years ago.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.