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  • Teaming up for a better tomorrow

    2014-01-10 11:52

    Making a difference is not easy, but certainly possible if one is determined, seems to be the motto driving China-Africa media cooperation, with the prime objective being to counter the biased, distorted reporting of Western news organizations with balanced, objective reporting.

  • China's charm works both ways

    2014-01-10 11:52

    At a recent conference in Berlin where the impact of the rising BRICS countries on media development was discussed, Shi Anbin, a professor from Tsinghua University in Beijing coined the term "charm defensive" referring to China's increased involvement in Africa's media.

  • Better view with wider media window

    2014-01-10 11:52

    In the past, Africans got to know about China and its economic and investment projects in Africa mainly through media from the West and the Middle East. China-Africa relations in large part were defined from the perspective of a third-party media.

  • Standing apart from the crowd

    2014-01-03 12:49

    Employment prospects still good for trained african talent in China's tough job market.

  • Expanding firms zero in on local talent

    2014-01-03 12:49

    Chinese companies will employ more foreigners abroad in a bid to boost local expertise in an increasing number of overseas operations.

  • Get there, get started and get ahead

    2014-01-03 12:49

    In the 12 years I have lived in Beijing, bilateral trade between Africa and China has ballooned from $10 billion in 2001 to more than $220 billion. But such statistics, the pride of government officials and business consultants, are meaningless to ordinary Africans looking for a better life.

  • Making sense of the challenge

    2014-01-03 12:49

    Understanding and appreciating finer cultural nuances can help expatriates succeed in China

  • Keeping the peace

    2013-12-20 13:29

    Chinese troops help UN maintain lives and livelihood in conflict-ridden African nations.

  • Mental health dangers real, not imagined

    2013-12-20 13:29

    In their UN peacekeeping missions, Chinese military doctors and nurses need to heal people's minds as well as their bodies.

  • Shooting to keep the peace

    2013-12-20 13:29

    If there is one film director who knows more about Chinese peacekeepers than anyone else, it must be Shang Changyi, a military documentary director from the August First Film Studio of the People's Liberation Army.

  • A positive image burnished in peace

    2013-12-20 13:29

    On Dec 4, China's first batch of peacekeeping troops arrived in the capital of Mali, Bamako. The initial team included engineers and medical and security people, about 135 people in all. It was the 30th time that China had sent its peacekeepers on United Nations peacekeeping operations since 1990, but what is particularly noteworthy is that it was the first time China had sent a peacekeeping force to perform security duties.

  • China's sterling contribution to the world

    2013-12-20 13:29

    Peacekeeping missions in Africa have a Dual role

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.