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China Daily Website  

  • Promising future

    2013-10-25 12:55

    Services will make up about half of the economic output of developing Asia this year, driven in part by the growth of the sector in China.

  • Restricted sector may stunt growth

    2013-10-25 12:55

    The possible crisis in Chinese manufacturing may present an opportunity for the service sector, which in the long term can save China. But in the short term, China first has to save the service sector.

  • The secret to success is not scale but added value

    2013-10-25 12:55

    Service sector in need of an overhaul to encourage greater competition

  • New energy

    2013-10-18 09:34

    Chinese nuclear companies may use africa as springboard for its overseas nuclear business.

  • Inland plants to solve problems

    2013-10-18 09:34

    Building nuclear power plants in inland areas of China is a rational choice for the country's energy plan, with the potential risks all under control, experts say.

  • Energy for the future

    2013-10-18 09:34

    Government oversight will help nuclear power develop in a safe manner

  • China should transform into a green country

    2013-10-18 09:34

    Reliance on coal has to end if nation is to eliminate pollution

  • Deal driver

    2013-10-11 12:11

    At first glance, it is hard to find something in common between the Tonkolili and Palabora mining projects in western and southern Africa.

  • Striking the right balance

    2013-10-11 12:11

    Chinese businesses have been more proactive than others in utilizing the investment opportunities in Africa, says Abel Myburgh, associate director of the Africa Desk at global accountancy firm BDO.

  • Takeover turned into great makeover

    2013-10-11 12:11

    Tony Bannan still remembers the sinking feeling he had three years ago, when he learnt that his machine tool business was being taken over by a Chinese company.

  • Fruits to be harvested in the continent

    2013-10-11 12:11

    Africa has found favor with China, and China has become one of the largest investors in Africa, having concluded more transactions than any other country other than Britain and France.

  • Investment wisdom that lasts forever

    2013-10-11 12:11

    New wave of mid-sized private Chinese companies in Europe shows the way

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.