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  • Kenyan county paves way for FDI-led growth

    2014-12-05 11:51

    While other counties in Kenya has raised their taxes to boost revenue, Machakos county, a new county located about an hour and half's drive east of downtown Nairobi, has not changed them. Instead, it has focused on a less conventional idea: attracting foreign direct investment to create a sustainable economy.

  • Businesses cite biggest barriers in Africa

    2014-12-05 11:51

    Chinese investors and potential investors have long regarded a good China-African relationship as a solid basis on which they can build success. But often when the uninitiated finally step onto African soil they realize how simplistic the term "China-Africa relationship" really is.

  • How Kenya finally turned the corner on FDI

    2014-12-05 11:52

    Is Kenya ready for foreign direct investment? The answer is a cautious yes, and some background is important in backing up this optimism.

  • Door is wide open to overseas investors

    2014-12-05 11:52

    To attract foreign investors and entrepreneurs to Kenya, the country's private sector and the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry are fully committed to working with the Kenyan government to establish a regulatory system that facilitates a well-functioning market that protects the public interest.

  • Chinese tourists to Africa on rise

    2014-11-28 11:22

    Though the number of Chinese tourists going to Africa has been affected this year by the Ebola outbreak, experts and insiders are all confident that Chinese numbers will continue to rise.

  • Communication key for global tourism

    2014-11-28 11:22

    Kenya is eager to welcome more Chinese tourists, but one problem is a lack of communication between tourists and guides because of the language barrier, says one of Kenya's top guides.

  • Hospitable place for Chinese investment

    2014-11-28 11:22

    Chinese investors are confident about the hospitality and property markets in Africa and plan to keep spending money there despite the decline of international arrivals due to the Ebola outbreak and terrorist attacks in some regions.

  • When going on safari is a luxury

    2014-11-28 11:22

    Hospitality companies are working with Chinese tour operators to promote their exclusive - albeit expensive - services to big spenders in the Chinese market.

  • Cultivating Chinese tourists' African dreams

    2014-11-28 11:22

    In an upmarket Beijing cafe, Gong Jiayi sips her flat white coffee and enthusiastically runs through the highlights of her latest holiday to Japan.

  • In search of the missing Chinese tourists

    2014-11-28 11:22

    It was 7:30 on a bright Wednesday morning at Bole International Airport in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa.

  • Optimists have upper hand with tourism

    2014-11-28 11:22

    To say Chinese outbound tourism grows fast would be a huge understatement.

  • New approaches help upgrade slums

    2014-11-21 13:22

    For Meshak Okoth, 12, this was a return to scholastic life like no other. When he returned in September to his studies with about 630 pupils at Mcedo-Beijing community school in Mathare, northeast of the Kenyan capital, the enthusiasm was palpable.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.