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  • Company adds tea and milk to water

    2013-09-06 11:51

    Setting up a manufacturing business in Africa is a tough assignment. But for many Chinese businesspeople facing dwindling profits at home, the lure of fresh markets and a potentially huge consumer base outweigh the difficulties.

  • Kaleidoscope of successful options

    2013-09-06 11:51

    Chinese investment in Africa has grown rapidly in recent years, and its scope has gradually widened. Infrastructure construction contracts that predominated until 2006 are now just part of the mix, alongside agriculture, catering, clothing and textiles, energy, financial services, heavy industry, high-tech, manufacturing, processing, telecommunications and transport. The form of investment has also evolved, from initial early-stage investment to setting up factories and building oil refineries.

  • Unlocking investment potential

    2013-09-06 11:51

    Chinese companies are helping urbanization, industrialization in africa with their outreach moves

  • Going Private

    2013-08-30 13:00

    Few Chinese private company bosses are as ambitious as Lu Qiyuan.

  • Making Africa their base

    2013-08-30 13:00

    He Liehui is a private business owner who has set up an African base to export goods to Europe and the United States.

  • Going overseas is key for development

    2013-08-30 13:00

    Private companies are set to spearhead China's overseas business expansion over the next decade, according to a new report.

  • Private firms can bloom in global waters

    2013-08-30 13:00

    Africa is a golden investment opportunity that offers rich rewards for investors

  • Beware the pitfalls of private FDI

    2013-08-30 13:00

    State-to-state relations between China and African countries at the macro-level have driven more Chinese enterprises into Africa.

  • Healing agents

    2013-08-23 12:36

    Fifty years after China sent its first overseas medical team to Africa it has renewed its commitment to the continent.

  • US urged to share future with Africa on equal terms

    2013-08-23 12:36

    Former US president Bill Clinton believes the United States must try to create a future it can share with China instead of pursuing a "zero-sum game", especially in Africa.

  • Saving lives, sharing knowledge

    2013-08-23 12:36

    Chinese doctors working in Africa face tough conditions, but the rewards are priceless.

  • Benchmark for solidarity on global health

    2013-08-23 12:36

    The message from the recent Ministerial Forum on China-Africa Health Development in Beijing was clear: Solidarity on global health is essential and imperative. It is value for money. It saves lives.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.