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  • Trade figures tell a good-news story

    2015-01-23 11:14

    Since time immemorial African countries have been used to their main trading partners being their colonial masters. In recent years calls for developing countries to trade more among themselves have become louder and more insistent.

  • Tanzania, China narrow trade gap

    2015-01-23 11:14

    Both Tanzania and China are working to correct a trade imbalance that heavily favors Beijing, officials say.

  • Rwanda's trade with China up 50% for year

    2015-01-23 11:14

    China continues to be Rwanda's top trade partner, according to 2014 trade figures from the Rwanda Revenue Authority.

  • Drive to improve vocational education

    2015-01-16 11:04

    In her office in Kabete Technical Training Institute in Kenya's capital, Nairobi, Valerie Mbathe Kamanda proudly shows China Daily the sample of machine parts her students made.

  • Kenyan workers see measurable gains

    2015-01-16 11:04

    Too much emphasis on theory and not enough on practical abilities often leaves vocational and technical students in Africa with a serious handicap in the job market, according to industry and education officials and students themselves.

  • Engineers break down learning barriers

    2015-01-16 11:04

    Chinese engineers are overcoming obstacles of language and culture to help build a Kenyan team to work independently in the use and maintenance of Chinese engineering machinery.

  • Nairobi's flourishing training grounds

    2015-01-16 11:04

    With help from Chinese machinery makers, low-income Kenyan students are learning new job skills.

  • Working together to create the right jobs

    2015-01-16 11:04

    For about two decades, Africa has achieved rapid development with an average GDP growth rate at about 5 percent, yet there are some hindrances that have held back development.

  • Adapting Chinese solutions to Africa

    2015-01-16 11:04

    Technical and vocational skills development is considered a way to develop appropriate job competency and thereby improve labor supply and the employability of the workforce. Consequently, developing these skills has assumed some prominence in the fight against youth unemployment.

  • To a common beat

    2015-01-09 11:33

    As a more confident and assertive China has laid the foundations for a fresh approach to diplomacy over the past year, it and its partners in Africa have been keen to pursue goals for their relationships that President Xi Jinping set out in 2013.

  • Zhou Enlai set the tone for bilateral ties

    2015-01-09 11:33

    At the start of last year, China-Africa relations were on a high, particularly given that both Gambia and Sao Tome had severed links with Taipei in late 2013 and recognized Beijing. China now in effect has diplomatic relations with 54 out of 55 countries in Africa, and a brick and mortar presence in all of these countries.

  • Year in which solidarity became clearer

    2015-01-09 11:33

    Last year brought what might be called a new normal in the development of China-Africa relations.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.