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China Daily Website  

  • Fund's donation gives Ebola fight more heft

    2014-11-07 10:40

    The China-Africa Development Fund announced it will donate $450,000 to Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia to help the three countries battle the Ebola epidemic.

  • For China, experience is the greatest teacher

    2014-11-07 10:40

    China is utilizing its experiences and lessons from the prevention and treatment of the severe acute respiratory syndrome to help fight the Ebola virus in West Africa, Chinese officials say.

  • In the eye of the outbreak

    2014-11-07 10:40

    Despite her daughter's concerns, Beijing doctor Yao Gaiqi traveled to West Africa to help local health workers contain the spread of Ebola

  • Aid takes back seat

    2014-10-31 09:14

    Multiple sources of inward flows, including foreign investment and remittances, painting a bright picture

  • Conference reflections

    2014-10-31 09:14

    Three of those who attended the africa development forum in morocco set out their hopes

  • How China is making a difference

    2014-10-31 09:14

    African leaders want more Chinese participation in the continent, head of UN commission says

  • Economic shake-up needs joint effort

    2014-10-31 09:14

    Continent's growing wealth is changing the way its development is financed

  • New world fuels African evolution

    2014-10-31 09:14

    But trailblazing China is no longer alone in funneling private capital to continent

  • China rushes help to Ebola-hit countries

    2014-10-24 07:27

    Deep inside the utilitarian-looking compound that is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Beijing, on a blustery March morning, He Xiong sat down at his computer to go through his daily ritual of checking the World Health Organization website for alerts.

  • Africa can learn from SARS experience

    2014-10-24 07:27

    Steps taken by Beijing in the wake of outbreak are a good model for Ebola-stricken nations.

  • UN calls on Chinese businesses to help fight Ebola

    2014-10-24 07:27

    The United Nations has urged more Chinese enterprises and billionaires to offer financial and food assistance.

  • Race to stop killer disease

    2014-10-24 07:27

    Global health authorities are struggling to contain the world's worst Ebola epidemic since the disease was identified in 1976. The virus has killed more than 4,500 people.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.