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  • China to play its part in green campaign

    2014-06-20 09:36

    Human society is challenged by overpopulation, unbalanced development, the depletion of resources and environmental degradation, even as the creation of unprecedented material wealth, begun in the Industrial Revolution, continues.

  • All together with one aim: a sustainable future

    2014-06-20 09:36

    The environment takes center stage at a landmark meeting in Nairobi, home of the United Nations Environment Programme, for five days from June 23.

  • It's more than just academic

    2014-06-13 09:19

    Fifteen years ago, social scientists began trying to decipher the burst of energy in China-Africa relations, and since then there has been no sign of a let up in interest in the subject. In fact, China-Africa relations now continue to attract so much interest that they probably hog much more intellectual firepower than, say, Africa-US, Africa-Japan or Africa-India studies.

  • Camaraderie born of academic rigor

    2014-06-13 09:19

    China-Africa think tanks and centers, in and out of educational institutions, have grown fast in the past decade, spawning not just an expansive body of knowledge on China-Africa relations but also experts across a diversity of disciplines.

  • A lot of thinking put into the tank

    2014-06-13 09:19

    One of the research organizations helping to deliver new directions in China-Africa social sciences is the Social Science Research Council in New York.

  • Cape Verde shopkeepers gain recognition

    2014-06-13 09:19

    When the first conference of the Chinese in Africa/Africans in China Research Network was held in South Africa five years ago it was a revelation for me.

  • A grand opportunity for young scholars

    2014-06-13 09:19

    The arrival in Guangzhou of Africans from dozens of African countries increases the cultural diversity of the city, making it a living museum.

  • Home advantage

    2014-06-06 08:10

    Do international management consultancy firms still have the right answers for China?

  • Local firms challenging international giants

    2014-06-06 08:10

    Lyu Shujie says Chinese managements consultants are ready to take on the big international firms.

  • The right stuff for a changing world

    2014-06-06 08:10

    Edward Tse wants to change the face of global management consultancy forever.

  • Multinational consultants not old hat

    2014-06-06 08:10

    Having served in international consulting businesses for more than 20 years, Edward Tse, the former chairman of Booz & Company Greater China, made the decision to establish his own company, Gao Feng Advisory, in April.

  • The business of consulting is a two-way affair

    2014-06-06 08:10

    Over the past 20 years the rapid growth of the Chinese economy has provided an excellent opportunity for international consulting firms to expand their businesses in China.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.