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  • The sun generates power deals

    2015-03-20 09:13

    Two government-approved solar projects in Kenya will be financed and built by Chinese companies.

  • Turning on the lights is a joint affair

    2015-03-20 09:13

    Fewer than 40 percent of Africans have access to electricity, a fact that starkly shows how serious the continent's shortage of energy and investment in the infrastructure that can produce it is.

  • Practical action helps change world

    2015-03-20 09:13

    While government and private enterprises are crucial players in improving conditions in developing countries, the experience of one nongovernmental organization shows how civil society also has a large role in making such positive transformations.

  • Conservationists look for more concerted effort

    2015-03-13 09:29

    The plume of dark smoke that rose over Nairobi National Park in Kenya on March 3 was like a signal, one to tell those who love elephants and other wildlife that the world is taking a stand against poaching and the ivory trade. That day a pyre of 15 tons of elephant tusks had been erected and set alight.

  • China's stance against ivory trade hailed

    2015-03-13 09:29

    As China has increased the number of seizures of ivory and convictions and penalties related to it, it has demonstrated its tougher stance against the illegal trade, says John Scanlon, secretary-general of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

  • Debunking the myth of ivory

    2015-03-13 09:29

    Before setting foot in China, Resson Kantai Duff and Christopher Kiarie imagined streets lined with Chinese people wearing exquisite bracelets, necklaces and earrings, all made of delicately carved ivory.

  • Together against the illegal wildlife trade

    2015-03-13 09:29

    March 3 was World Wildlife Day, when we paused to celebrate the astonishing diversity of fauna and flora on this planet, and reflect on the challenges they face.

  • In search of Net profit

    2015-03-06 09:32

    It is 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon, and more than a dozen youths are still waiting for job interviews outside the office of Jumia Kenya in downtown Nairobi. Three receptionists are so busy that a visitor who has just arrived is all but ignored.

  • Payments are just a phone call away

    2015-03-06 09:32

    An increasingly popular mobile payment service called M-Pesa is turning Kenya into a potentially lucrative e-commerce market in Africa.

  • Library encounter that turned a page

    2015-03-06 09:32

    A few years ago, for Wang Fengzhai any mention of Africa conjured up just two words: poverty and disease. In that regard, Wang, a university student, was similar to many millions of his Chinese compatriots.

  • The new e-commerce frontier

    2015-03-06 09:32

    To some, Africa is still the "Dark Continent", characterized by an abundance of gold, diamonds, silver, coal and oil but plagued by illiteracy, poverty and primitivity. To the enlightened, it is a brilliantly shining star, albeit smaller than the rest of the galaxy but growing much faster than the bigger stars.

  • Fight far from over

    2015-02-20 10:26

    China will keep sending medical workers, technology and relief supplies to help African countries with Ebola outbreaks as they are needed, says Cui Li, vice-minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.