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China Daily Website  

  • From one haven to another

    2014-03-14 13:23

    Manufacturers seek new locations to stay profitable

  • Being there or being square

    2014-03-14 13:23

    Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but if companies want to succeed in Africa, they need to be physically present in the continent, experts say

  • Roadblocks on the highway to investment

    2014-03-14 13:23

    More needs to be done to encourage private participation in African development projects

  • The secret of success: communication

    2014-03-14 13:23

    Transparency critical for the business success of chinese enterprises in Africa

  • Heady mix

    2014-03-07 10:23

    Mozambique is on track for exciting future as it seeks to exploit its mineral wealth with Chinese collaboration.

  • Harvest success puts rice on table

    2014-03-07 10:23

    Big investment changes the way mozambique cultivates its land

  • China's reform model 'is the way forward'

    2014-03-07 10:23

    Former minister says Mozambique should develop agriculture, not rely only on natural gas

  • Benefits of successful engagement

    2014-03-07 10:23

    China, Mozambique need to build on past successes for future bilateral gains

  • Roses and thorns in the relationship

    2014-03-07 10:23

    China has added a new chapter in international Ties with its infrastructure projects in Mozambique

  • Airlines look to upgrade

    2014-02-28 10:20

    Those traveling between Africa and China have long had to put up with physically-draining connecting flights. That is now beginning to change.

  • Wings of success

    2014-02-28 10:20

    Growing business ties and connections between China and Africa are prompting more African carriers to look eastward and consider opening new air routes to China, industry sources say.

  • Shorter trip sharpens appeal

    2014-02-28 10:20

    Wu Xiang was so moved by the beauty of Kenya last year on his first visit to Africa that he is trying to convince his friends in Shenzhen to come to the continent to see the great animal migration this year.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.