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  • Benefits outweigh problems

    2012-12-21 12:14

    Africa is now in its rudimentary phase of industrialization, a stage that not only paves the way to economic development, but is the key to survival for most African workers. This year, as Chinese companies have invested in Africa they have played a positive role in accelerating that industrialization.

  • Welcome catalyst for change

    2012-12-21 12:14

    Africa Should use China Connection to Achieve continental shift in fortunes

  • Which way forward

    2012-12-14 09:48

    As African economic prospects brighten, there is debate about which growth model would best suit its development.

  • Chinese aid 'much less complicated'

    2012-12-14 09:48

    Academic predicts development story of africa over next century will be more patchy than in Asia.

  • Africa moves away from Western development model

    2012-12-14 09:48

    John Dramani Mahama, president of Ghana, says China is now playing a key role in the development of Africa.

  • Africa needs to adapt to change

    2012-12-14 09:48

    The African continent has seen considerable growth over the past 10 years, after two lost decades at the end of the 20th century. It is now the second-biggest growth region in the world, largely due to increased global commodity prices, driven by demand in East Asia.

  • Take care on road to development

    2012-12-14 09:48

    China has made great economic strides since its reform and opening-up in the 1970s, so it is natural for most countries in Africa to want to learn from the Chinese experience when pursuing their own development.

  • Note from publisher

    2012-12-14 09:48

    The relationship between China and the African continent is one of the most significant relationships in the world today.

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  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.