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China Daily Website

  • Eastern allure

    2013-06-21 11:23

    From students to business people, many Africans are enthralled by China's rise and want to be part of it.

  • In the company of good friends

    2013-06-21 11:23

    Sara Elhassan says she did not develop an interest in China until she studied in the West.

  • Momentum is shifting East in Africa

    2013-06-21 11:23

    Tony O. Otoa believes Africa is shifting its focus away from the West and toward China.

  • Foreign degrees grow in popularity

    2013-06-21 11:23

    When African students consider where to study abroad, their first choice is often Europe or the United States. In France alone, there were more than 100,000 African university students in 2009. First and foremost, this is a matter of language and of the quality and reputation of a university degree obtained in the West, and these valid reasons will continue to play an important role in students' choices.

  • A guide to choosing right courses in China

    2013-06-21 11:23

    African students need to do some research before deciding on which degrees to do

  • From acorns to trees

    2013-06-14 11:04

    Versatility has been the magic wand for Chinese businesses in Africa for more than a decade.

  • Where China is making its mark in Africa

    2013-06-14 11:04

    During the opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing last year, China promised more help for African countries in building agricultural technology centers, training medical and other personnel, and digging wells to expand access to clean water.

  • Big mission for a global connector

    2013-06-14 11:04

    Richard Attias, founder of the New York Forum, likes to compare his native Moroccan culture to the Chinese one. He finds similarities in both cultures, including people's work ethic, hospitality and willingness to make things happen.

  • Helping hands can go hand in hand

    2013-06-14 11:04

    China's foreign aid programs have gained tremendous attention in recent times and are fast becoming a viable alternative to the traditional high-cost aid plans propagated by Western nations in Africa.

  • Joys of a relationship with no strings

    2013-06-14 11:04

    China's growing engagements in Africa have helped create a strong alliance framework for the future and played a key role in espousing its peaceful global development goals.

  • In their own coin

    2013-06-07 11:05

    Bitcoins increase in popularity but reservations exist in some quarters.

  • Sound bits

    2013-06-07 11:05

    Why do banks charge fees when you transfer money or withdraw cash and exchange currencies? Because certain infrastructures are used that cost money and when we conduct mining, we are contributing to the safety and smoothness of transactions involving bitcoins, which deserves a reward in the form of bitcoins."

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.