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China Daily Website

  • The Power point strategist

    2014-01-17 11:04

    China has a 'deepening and more sophisticated relationship with many African countries'

  • Africa presence part of globalization

    2014-01-17 11:04

    South African academic says anxieties about china are misguided

  • The road ahead and all that jazz

    2014-01-17 11:04

    An academic looking at Chinese-African business connections says he can hear music playing

  • China is exception in bleak picture

    2014-01-17 11:04

    Country will be the only one in emerging-markets bloc to break out of middle-income trap: Economist

  • The Chinese connection

    2014-01-17 11:04

    Scholar says China understands the continent's need for development better

  • Ground reality

    2014-01-10 11:52

    Chinese media outlets are changing the way the world sees Africa.

  • Blog blossoms into network

    2014-01-10 11:52

    Online platforms are fast becoming the venue of choice for African nations to broaden their social participation and connections with China and the rest of world.

  • Teaming up for a better tomorrow

    2014-01-10 11:52

    Making a difference is not easy, but certainly possible if one is determined, seems to be the motto driving China-Africa media cooperation, with the prime objective being to counter the biased, distorted reporting of Western news organizations with balanced, objective reporting.

  • China's charm works both ways

    2014-01-10 11:52

    At a recent conference in Berlin where the impact of the rising BRICS countries on media development was discussed, Shi Anbin, a professor from Tsinghua University in Beijing coined the term "charm defensive" referring to China's increased involvement in Africa's media.

  • Better view with wider media window

    2014-01-10 11:52

    In the past, Africans got to know about China and its economic and investment projects in Africa mainly through media from the West and the Middle East. China-Africa relations in large part were defined from the perspective of a third-party media.

  • Standing apart from the crowd

    2014-01-03 12:49

    Employment prospects still good for trained african talent in China's tough job market.

  • Expanding firms zero in on local talent

    2014-01-03 12:49

    Chinese companies will employ more foreigners abroad in a bid to boost local expertise in an increasing number of overseas operations.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.