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China Daily Website

  • Money power

    2013-04-12 10:08

    China's next big move will be in financial services.

  • Renminbi's role set to grow

    2013-04-12 10:08

    China's increasing financial power is leading to the rise of the renminbi as an international currency

  • Advent of a banking superpower

    2013-04-12 10:08

    John Ross believes China will soon be better known for the firepower of its banks than being the workshop of the world for inexpensive manufactured goods.

  • Making the right transition

    2013-04-12 10:08

    China has been dedicated to switching its economic growth model in the past few years and will continue such an effort in the coming decades. With softening international demand, increasing labor costs and intense competition from neighboring countries with even cheaper labor, the government has rolled out many policies aimed at transforming China's economic growth model so that the economy relies less on foreign demand through exports and more on domestic consumption.

  • Center focus on economic reform

    2013-04-12 10:08

    Financial innovation can improve Chinese companies' global reputation

  • Growing influence

    2013-04-05 10:45

    Multinational firms push Micro Blog marketing strategies to drive sales, growth in China.

  • Ringing up sales

    2013-04-05 10:45

    Though foreign companies are still fine-tuning their micro blog strategies, domestic companies have edged ahead in China and made considerable gains with their prime-mover advantage.

  • A to Z of micro blog marketing

    2013-04-05 10:45

    While foreign companies are busy using micro blogs to promote their business, others have made a business out of them.

  • Uncorking the full potential

    2013-04-05 10:45

    Strategic use of micro blogs can help companies achieve marketing success

  • Making sense of micro blog business

    2013-04-05 10:45

    Marketing promotions by global companies have intensified with the rapid rise of micro blogs and the decline of discussion boards. With their huge number of users, these online platforms have not only changed the way that multinational companies share information in China, but also reshaped an entire generation.

  • Open for business

    2013-03-29 10:20

    Liu Yagan is someone who can rightly claim to have had a significant impact on the African banking sector.

  • More opportunities in growing market

    2013-03-29 10:20

    African banks represent a better growth opportunity than European and US banks, according to a China bank chief.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.