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China Daily Website

  • A slow burner for major economic change

    2013-11-08 09:14

    New zone to pave the way for more market-oriented reforms

  • On The Agenda

    2013-11-01 12:43

    Ahead of the Communist Party's much awaited plenum that begins on Nov 9, expectations are high that the meeting will provide the future reform agenda for China.

  • Historic event

    2013-11-01 12:43

    The Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in December 1978: The historic turning point

  • Private approach on the anvil

    2013-11-01 12:43

    Top-level Party members are expected to discuss several wide-ranging steps to pump prime the Chinese economy at the Communist Party plenum meeting in Beijing in November, experts say.

  • High reform hopes before plenum

    2013-11-01 12:43

    All eyes are starting to shift to the Third Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China's Central Committee. Rather than concrete measures, the plenum, to be held from Nov 9, is expected to announce objectives and directions to rebalance growth toward domestic demand, consumption and services, and upgrade the industrial structure. Ever since Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang took over the CPC leadership in November last year there has been keen interest in the direction they are giving to the reforms.

  • China can help set global agenda

    2013-11-01 12:43

    Short-term economic interests should not compromise China's long-term goals

  • Fresh paradigm

    2013-10-25 12:55

    Medical services, financial services, telecommunications services and engineering services are an increasingly big part of the investments that Chinese companies are making in Africa.

  • Promising future

    2013-10-25 12:55

    Services will make up about half of the economic output of developing Asia this year, driven in part by the growth of the sector in China.

  • Restricted sector may stunt growth

    2013-10-25 12:55

    The possible crisis in Chinese manufacturing may present an opportunity for the service sector, which in the long term can save China. But in the short term, China first has to save the service sector.

  • The secret to success is not scale but added value

    2013-10-25 12:55

    Service sector in need of an overhaul to encourage greater competition

  • New energy

    2013-10-18 09:34

    Chinese nuclear companies may use africa as springboard for its overseas nuclear business.

  • Inland plants to solve problems

    2013-10-18 09:34

    Building nuclear power plants in inland areas of China is a rational choice for the country's energy plan, with the potential risks all under control, experts say.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.