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Sound bits

Updated: 2013-06-07 11:05
( China Daily)

Why do banks charge fees when you transfer money or withdraw cash and exchange currencies? Because certain infrastructures are used that cost money and when we conduct mining, we are contributing to the safety and smoothness of transactions involving bitcoins, which deserves a reward in the form of bitcoins."

Shen Yu

23-Year-old postgraduade student in Beijing

I don't care much about how much money I can earn through trading bitcoins or how many things they can buy for me. I care more about how the system is developed and accepted by a wider audience."

Chang Jia

Science fiction writer who accepted bitcoins for the purchase of his latese piece of fiction

My answer to my clients at the current stage is: 'Wait for another year to see how regulators may respond to it' because I regard it as a big risk if bitcoins are declared illegal."

Wang Yujie

27-Year-old wealth manager in Shanghai

(China Daily Africa Weekly 06/07/2013 page1)

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