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China Daily Website

  • A worthy investment choice

    2013-09-27 11:46

    The recently published annual report of China Investment Corp, the Chinese sovereign wealth fund, had encouraging news for all Chinese. The fund had a return of 10.6 percent last year, greatly outstripping its performance the previous year, a loss of 4.3 percent. Given that CIC has billions of dollars of assets under management, even a 1 percent difference in investment returns can make a big difference in absolute terms.

  • Role of unifier reinforced

    2013-09-27 11:46

    Sovereign wealth fund is turning China into a strong force in global financial investment

  • Resource crunch

    2013-09-20 16:26

    It is not just Africa that finds itself dependent on how the China growth story unfolds over the next few years but the rest of the world too.

  • State of the economy

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Qian Liu,

  • On the path of steady growth

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Qian Liu believes "magic" high growth rate figures are now firmly in the past for China.

  • Slowing train still firmly on rails

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Investors in Africa have recently been in two minds as to whether the so-called China slowdown is something of which they need to be afraid.

  • China set to be major investor abroad

    2013-09-20 16:26

    Beijing's new economic goals will have far-reaching impact on other economies

  • New frontiers

    2013-09-13 13:10

    State-owned enterprises are paving the way for sustainable, meaningful development in Africa.

  • SOEs to have slower growth

    2013-09-13 13:10

    Maintaining profit growth of more than 10 percent will be a tough task for central state-owned enterprises, which will likely see their growth shrink from the third quarter, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has warned.

  • Building bridges in more ways than one

    2013-09-13 13:10

    In a unique scholarship scheme, 20 students from the Republic of Congo are pursuing their dreams of a professional career by studying at Chang'an University in Xi'an, Shaanxi province.

  • Invisible hand of the market is better

    2013-09-13 13:10

    It is often argued that China's state-owned enterprises have reached their peak in their home markets and need to spread wings. But can they find glory in Africa? It's a complex issue.

  • The long road to economic self-reliance

    2013-09-13 13:10

    Chinese companies can play an enormous role as Africa moves down the path of industrialization

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  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.