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China Daily Website

  • Takeover turned into great makeover

    2013-10-11 12:11

    Tony Bannan still remembers the sinking feeling he had three years ago, when he learnt that his machine tool business was being taken over by a Chinese company.

  • Fruits to be harvested in the continent

    2013-10-11 12:11

    Africa has found favor with China, and China has become one of the largest investors in Africa, having concluded more transactions than any other country other than Britain and France.

  • Investment wisdom that lasts forever

    2013-10-11 12:11

    New wave of mid-sized private Chinese companies in Europe shows the way

  • Growth model

    2013-10-04 10:58

    African nations must study China's experience before pressing on, experts say.

  • Consumption versus investment

    2013-10-04 10:58

    Martyn Davies (pictured left), chief executive officer of Frontier Advisory, a leading research and strategy-consulting firm, based in Cape Town

  • More investment boosts consumption

    2013-10-04 10:58

    When Justin Yifu Lin speaks, people tend to listen.

  • The next best thing

    2013-10-04 10:58

    Despite China's increasing tolerance for slower economic growth and determination to improve the quality of its economic growth in the coming decade, many still feel that China should maintain a GDP growth of no lower than 7 percent to facilitate future reforms.

  • After the export boom, where to from here?

    2013-10-04 10:58

    No single growth model can be successful forever, and for China the time of reckoning has come

  • Spreading wealth

    2013-09-27 11:46

    China's sovereign wealth fund banks on diversifying investmeng, with new focus on Africa.

  • Moving up the ladder

    2013-09-27 11:46

    Despite its present size and scale, China's first sovereign wealth fund had relatively humble beginnings. The Beijing-based wealth fund started off as a state-owned enterprise on Sept 29, 2007, with an initial corpus of $200 billion (148 billion euros).

  • Five years of milestones

    2013-09-27 11:46


  • Visible face of investment

    2013-09-27 11:46

    Though there is no firm yardstick to gauge its real impact, China Investment Corp has in many ways been the most representative face of Chinese investment in Europe. Apart from its regular activities such as equity and other investments, the fund has also played a key role by teaming up with other sovereign wealth funds for joint investments on the continent.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.