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China Daily Website

  • Shooting to keep the peace

    2013-12-20 13:29

    If there is one film director who knows more about Chinese peacekeepers than anyone else, it must be Shang Changyi, a military documentary director from the August First Film Studio of the People's Liberation Army.

  • A positive image burnished in peace

    2013-12-20 13:29

    On Dec 4, China's first batch of peacekeeping troops arrived in the capital of Mali, Bamako. The initial team included engineers and medical and security people, about 135 people in all. It was the 30th time that China had sent its peacekeepers on United Nations peacekeeping operations since 1990, but what is particularly noteworthy is that it was the first time China had sent a peacekeeping force to perform security duties.

  • China's sterling contribution to the world

    2013-12-20 13:29

    Peacekeeping missions in Africa have a Dual role

  • Chinese connection

    2013-12-13 09:33

    Few foreign leaders have been written about in Chinese textbooks, but millions of Chinese high school students know Nelson Mandela as "a modern hero".

  • Son of a nation, and of a continent

    2013-12-13 12:14

    As President Jacob Zuma of South Africa was announcing to the world late on Dec 5 that Nelson Mandela had died, I had just got home from work. I became aware of the news breaking in Johnannesburg only when I made a routine check of the Internet just as I was about to go to bed. It was going to be a long and sleepless night.

  • A road well traveled

    2013-12-13 11:58

    Looking at the tributes and eulogies that were delivered during the memorial service for Nelson Mandela on Dec 10, one just cannot help being in awe of the late African leader, someone whom South African President Jacob Zuma described as "like no other".

  • An envoy's encounters with the great man

    2013-12-13 09:33

    One of the most precious photos for the first special representative of Chinese government to African affairs Liu Guijin, was of him with the former South African president Nelson Mandela that hangs prominently in his home.

  • Mandela's visits to China

    2013-12-13 11:59

    Nelson Mandela visited China twice. The first was in October 1992, when he met Chinese leaders and also went to the Great Wall. Seven years later, he visited China as the president of South Africa. He was welcomed by then Chinese leaders, president Jiang Zemin and premier Zhu Rongji in Beijing, and delivered a speech at Peking University.

  • Farewell to Mandela

    2013-12-13 12:14

    Millions of people worldwide mourned the passing of nelson mandela on dec 5

  • Connecting point

    2013-12-06 13:55

    China lends support to Africa's push for information and communication technology.

  • Future is tied to three letters

    2013-12-06 13:56

    Though Rwanda is one of the fastest growing African countries, it is in information and communication technology that it has stolen a march over other African nations.

  • Opportunity in being behind the times

    2013-12-06 13:56

    In the communication age, Africa and China are the perfect partners

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.