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  • The land that flows with milk and honey

    2014-11-28 13:57

    Our flight is scheduled for the next half an hour at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. We sit and wait in one of the lounges as we chat ecstatically with my fellow students with whom we were awarded scholarships owing to our excellent performance and our relentless love for Chinese culture and language.

  • My dream, in the field of hope - my dream fly together with China dream

    2014-11-28 13:56

    Hi! My name is Duncan, from a beautiful country - Kenya. I came to China in 2011, studied economics at the Zhejiang University of Science Technology, in this country, people are warm and cordial.

  • My China story

    2014-11-28 13:56

    In the fairly large mud walled, grass thatched house of Mr. Odiko, we all spread our sacks on the nicely decorated floor made out of a mixture of soil and cowdung as we got ready to watch the movie that we have already watched countless number of times before.

  • Discovering the real China

    2014-11-28 13:55

    My journalism profession has accorded me great opportunity to travel in various countries across the world. Naturally, I have been very keen on picking up a souvenir or two, to remind me of the visits to foreign lands.

  • Kenya is a friend in need and China is the friend indeed

    2014-11-28 13:55

    China has increasingly become a major economic and development partner in Kenya and the whole of Africa creating a paradigm shift from our former colonial masters, the west.

  • 2014-11-28 14:01

    为增进中国和肯尼亚两国人民之间的传统友谊与相互了解,进一步传颂中肯人民之间真诚交往、心灵相通、互助互爱、共谋发展的感人故事,夯实中肯友好的民意基础,中国驻肯尼亚使馆、肯尼亚中国经贸协会、肯尼亚华人华侨联合会于2014年3月联合启动了“我的中国/肯尼亚故事” 主题征文活动。

  • 我的黑人学生KEN

    2014-11-28 14:10


  • 华文学校我的梦

    2014-11-28 14:10


  • 马赛里记

    2014-11-28 14:10

    2014年2 月27 日,马赛里贫民窟,从市区往Safari Park方向去,两个国内来支教的志愿者学生语言不是太好,对方接我们的贫民窟学校的老师也有点“掉链子”, 本地司机花了近两个小时才找到路。

  • 有趣的礼物

    2014-11-28 14:09


  • 我的肯尼亚情结

    2014-11-28 14:09


  • 点一盏灯 圆一个梦

    2014-11-28 14:08


  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.