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China Daily Website

Libya's massive liquor poisoning kills 68

Updated: 2013-03-14 11:16
( Xinhua)

TRIPOLI - Libya's massive liquor poisoning has already killed 68 people, while hundreds of other victims were being treated for kidney failure, blindness or seizures, an official said.

Since last Friday, a total of 827 people, most of them aged from 19 to 50, have been poisoned after drinking liquor mixed with suspected toxic methanol, Usama Abduljalil, an official in charge of the issue, told Xinhua Wednesday.

Health Minister Noor Eddin Dughman canceled a trip to Egypt and an investigation committee has been formed, he added.

Meanwhile, a team from the Tunisian health ministry arrived in Tripoli Wednesday to assist the Libyan medical crew, Abduljalil said.

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