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Dozens of historians, scholars and government officials gathered in Beijing recently to attend the second Mindu Culture Forum.
Art events and shows will be held in Hong Kong.
Art events and shows will be held in Beijing.
It has become a tradition for the National Art Museum of China to celebrate Spring Festival, or the Lunar New Year, by exhibiting part of its immense collection.
Adam Lambert will be the first American Idol star to hold a solo concert in China, making his debut on March 3.
Plenty of confidence
A lost people
A group of young contemporary Chinese artists present a show that looks at fairytales.
Unknown horizons
Ancient words blossom into modern art
Former journalist Carrie Hare made the transition from writing about design to doing it.
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Time is money
Dream factory
The Inner Mongolia autonomous region will host an art auction at the Sheraton Hotel in its capital Hohhot on Saturday after a two-day preview exhibition.
Russian ballet, timeless gala, classic performance of Mei-style opera and golden-theread wood exhibition will be on show in Beijing.
Comical show, Finnish designs and art depicts ceremony is held in Guangzhou.
The Palace Museum, the China Arts and Entertainment Group and Beijing Gehua Cultural Development Group will co-produce a large-scale cultural show named The Forbidden City.
An ongoing exhibition in Beijing aims to show audiences "who represents the real young artists" in China.
Game on for designers
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