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We all know that Ang Lee stole the thunder at the Oscars as the Best Director. But online, fashion police in China have their own Oscar winners.
US film companies are seeking partners in China to co-produce films so they can get around the restriction of imported movies.
It's a fine Life
Chinese contemporary art seems to be entering its springtime. Overseas buyers - both individuals and institutions - have begun to take a keen interest in the genre in recent years, with work being snapped up and shipped abroad.
There's no doubt that I Sing Beijing - a redolent blend of musicians, Western traditions and modern Chinese opera - is an important catalyst in the evolving relationship between the United States and China.
Art events in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are listed.
Martin Engstroem first visited China in 1997 as part of the production team for the opera Turandot at the Forbidden City.
This is the second time the tour, launched by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of China's State Council, has reached Adelaide, capital city of South Australia, these days.
Movies, concerts and exhibitions highlights of the week
Zhao Wenzhuo's performance at the Spring Festival TV gala of the 2013 Lunar New Year has brought the kung fu star to the public's attention again.
Limited-edition works by some of China's hottest contemporary artists shine at international art shows.
Young designers seek boost abroad
Peter Jackson's fantasy epic The Hobbit, which premiered in China on Feb 22, features Dolby's new sound format Atmos on six screens across the country, the latest one being the Lumiere Pavilions in Beijing.
Chi Hongyu created a technology company that made film applications for the iPhone, which help filmmaker win Oscar.
85th Academy Award winners list