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China Daily Website

1,200 dead pigs retrieved in Shanghai river

Updated: 2013-03-11 01:08
( Xinhua)

SHANGHAI - Over 1,200 dead pigs have been fished out of Shanghai's Huangpu River by Sunday afternoon and the source of the pigs is traced upstream, local authorities said.

The municipal authorities said the retrieved pigs would be collected and handled in a harmless way.

According to the labels pinned in the ears of the pigs which are used to trace their information, the dead pigs are found to come from the upstream waters of the Huangpu River.

The local authorities are conducting coordinated efforts to stop the dumping of dead pigs from the source.

Local media reports said the pigs mainly came from Shanghai's neighboring Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

The water quality of Shanghai has not been affected by the floating dead pigs, according to the city's water supply bureau.

"The data of water quality are all within the normal range," said the bureau.

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