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Would you take a challenge for charity?

Updated: 2015-03-25 07:38
( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)

Editor's Note: Chen Guangbiao, a Chinese billionaire and philanthropist, was recently exposed for using warm water for his high-profile Ice Bucket Challenge, a campaign to raise money to fight Lou Gehrig’s disease. The campaign involves participants pouring buckets of ice water over themselves on camera. Would you take a challenge for charity? Share your views on our website.

Tristan (China)

I refuse the so-called challenges that waste valuable water resources in the name of charity but are really just a form of entertainment and commercialization. Many are just stunts.

Would you take a challenge for charity?

Chen Guangbiao, a Chinese a Chinese billionaire and philanthropist, was recently exposed for using warm water for his high-profile Ice Bucket Challenge. [Photo/IC]

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