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Highlights of proposals in the plan

Updated: 2015-11-06 07:38
(China Daily Africa)

China has seen great progress in the past five years, becoming the world's second-largest economy and with per capita GDP increasing to $7,800. Agricultural production has risen continually and the proportion of permanent residents in urban areas reached 55 percent.

Various systems to be improved in the next five years. National governance ability to be further enhanced through modernization, and basic systems to be set up in each industry. Nation to be more democratic and rule of law and judicial credibility to be implemented and boosted. Human rights and property rights to be protected effectively.

Competition to be further improved in national monopoly sectors, including electricity, telecommunications, transportation, petroleum, natural gas and public services.

Cybereconomy to be further expanded and Internet Plus plan implemented. Network speed to be increased and fees lowered, along with support for innovation in cyberspace of related industries, business methods, supply chains and logistics chains.

Increased autonomy for universities and research institutes. Project leaders to have more freedom to make strategic decisions, including on financial and personnel administration.

New-style professional farmers to be nurtured. Reform of the rural land system to deepen and the orderly transition of land operational rights promoted.

Fiscal reform to be strengthened. Responsibilities of the central government and other authorities to be moderately strengthened to approve allocation of their income.

Financial reform to be accelerated. The issuance and trading system for stocks and bonds to be improved.

A new urbanization method will be pushed, focusing on improving livelihoods and deepening reform of the household registration system.

Online cultural building to be enhanced, positive culture in cyberspace encouraged and the online environment cleaned up. Mixed development of traditional media and new media to be promoted and digitalization accelerated.

Reform of the military to be speeded up, with the goal of establishing a modern military system with Chinese characteristics by 2020.

Clean production to be promoted and green and low-carbon industry systems set up. Green finance to be promoted and a green development fund established.

Audit system proposed for officials who leave their current posts, taking environmental protection into consideration. Officials' efforts to protect natural resources to form part of their performance appraisal.

Use of new energy vehicles to be promoted and the industrialization level of electric cars improved.

A nationwide real-time online environmental monitoring system to be set up and an emission permit system will cover all companies with stationary pollution sources.

Financial markets to be opened further. Renminbi's inclusion in the IMF's special drawing rights basket to be promoted to achieve convertible capital account.

International coordination of macroeconomic policy to be strengthened. An active role to be played in rule-making in new fields such as the Internet, deep-sea and polar areas, and outer space.

Increased investment from central and provincial governments to integrate various channels for poverty alleviation. More financial channels to be explored to combat poverty.

Innovative teaching abilities to be raised to ensure some universities meet world standards. Modern vocational school system to be set up and universities encouraged to transform into vocational schools.

Cooperation encouraged between schools and enterprises to train skilled workers. Skilled workers' salaries to be increased.

Social insurance system to be improved to cover all residents living in China legally. Insurance rates to be lowered to a reasonable level.

Reasonable adjustments to the pension fund. Investment channels for this fund to be increased and investment returns raised.

Policies to be issued on raising the retirement age progressively. Progress to be made on commercial old-age care insurance and occupational or corporate pension plans.

Full implementation of fertility policy advocated, allowing all couples to have two children. Improvements to reproductive health services, women's and children's healthcare and nursing services also proposed.

Advancing comprehensive reform of public hospitals proposed, ending the system used to seek profits. A personnel and remuneration system to be set up that is appropriate for the health industry. This calls for optimized distribution of health resources.

(China Daily Africa Weekly 11/06/2015 page7)

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