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  • Abe's policies will backfire, says diplomat

    2014-01-10 10:21

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's nationalistic policies will "not go far", as his country's economic interests are intertwined with the world's, especially in Asia, a veteran diplomat says.

  • Peaceful growth the only path

    2014-01-10 10:21

    Q+A | Wu Jianmin

  • Leader, icon, friend and visionary

    2013-12-13 12:19

    Of all the leaders I have met in the course of my life, none has made a deeper impression on me than Nelson Mandela. His courage, compassion, humility and wisdom were without parallel on the world stage, and he was an enduring source of inspiration. While he is rightly revered as a hero in the struggle for racial freedom, he also deserves recognition as a champion of economic freedom who set his country and continent on the path to growth.

  • The man who kept darkness at bay

    2013-12-13 12:19

    When south Africa stood on brink of civil war, Mandela gave the nation chance to heal and develop

  • Experts: preserve animals, traditions

    2013-11-29 14:45

    Given the surge in poaching in recent years, efforts to combat the illegal trade in elephant tusks have begun to focus on China due to a perception that the country has a large market for ivory products. In 2008, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora approved China as a trading partner for the second one-off sale of ivory from Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Later there was a surge in elephant poaching in Africa. From Dec 2 to 4, an African Elephant Summit will be held in Botswana to discuss the issue. Is China to blame for the diminishing number of African elephants? Recently, China Daily reporter Ma Yi interviewed experts on the question.

  • CTCE: Homes in Angola, projects across the globe

    2012-12-14 17:39

    Angola’s 27-year civil war has been over for more than a decade and its government is devoting itself to reconstruction, especially housing, with the help of Chinese large companies.

  • Group a building block for Africa

    An unusually heavy downpour hit Durban for two days before the BRICS summit's debut on African soil, but interest for a better platform for emerging markets were still sparked at the summit.