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Designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as a celebration of books and reading, World Book Day has gradually gained international recognition in the last two decades.
As pollution makes headlines more and more frequently, many hotels are marking their commitment to environmental conservation as they join in commemorating Earth Hour today.
A hotel anywhere in the world has one major priority, and that is to ensure its guests get a good rest.
For most veteran hoteliers working in China, one name has always inspired awe and respect. When the Lido opened in 1984, it marked the debut partnership between a Chinese property owner and the InterContinental Hotel Group.
Profile | Ester P. Marcaida
Hotel roundup (March 15.)
If you want to be nearer to Beijing's ancient architectural icons, you could not do better than staying at the New World Beijing Hotel, the first five-star hotel in Chongwenmen.
Every now and then, we need our passions revived and energy recharged and there is no better way to do this than to hunker down and talk shop for a few days with your peers in a beautiful city.
The Westin Singapore is back, at a coveted location not far from where it first commanded attention in the Lion City. It is difficult to resist the glamour of Singapore with its fine cuisine, shopping, sightseeing and the famous integrated resorts with their casinos.
Keeping fit while traveling can be a problem if you want to travel light. But one hotel, at least, has solved the problem for its guests by pairing up with a sports brand. Xu Lin reports from Singapore.
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