Internet legislation should be drawn up to ensure there is an orderly operation of cyberspace. By providing a safer online environment for web users, we can protect people's rights and freedom, says an article in the Beijing Times. Excerpts:
According to statistics, cyber crimes led to individual web users suffering a direct economic loss of 289 billion yuan ($46.3 billion) in China in 2011. More than 257 million people have fallen victim to these crimes. This grave fact is the results of an absence of regulations and abuse of freedom.
In the initial state of the Internet, complete freedom brings about complete danger. When a person is obsessed with searching for human flesh, he is likely to fall prey to other people. If rules and governance are lacking, freedom can quickly turn into chaos.
As to the millions of web users, we are expected to understand that it's only through the transference of personal rights to public institutions that we can safeguard our freedoms. Freedom is to be pushed to the maximum under the protection the law offers. This is also a notion that is resonating in this country while legislation is being made to protect personal information online.
But in practice, it's difficult for the police to tackle cases concerning leaks of personal information in an absolutely virtual world, when there are so many screen names and false information in circulation. The false online identity of victims is leaving the police incapable of collecting effective proof. So, strengthening the confirmation of personal online identities is a way to achieve an orderly online environment for law enforcement.
At the same time, the recent draft decision to strengthen the protection of personal information online reiterates the country's responsibility to protect identified personal digital information. It also specifies what uses personal online information can be put to by government organizations, service providers and individuals.