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After taking care of our newborn baby for two months all by ourselves, my wife and I realized hiring an ayi is compulsory.
Before moving to China, my fiancee and I had been warned: Don't forget to pack muesli, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste and anything we may have taken for granted.
Breaking up is especially hard when you don't speak each other's language - and had no inkling until a moment before, after you'd been dating for nearly two months.
The taxi problem in Beijing has become a favorite topic, probably because this winter is the coldest in years.
The spray of glass whooshed up my nose. I don't remember that moment - or the three days that followed.
I hit the accelerator, and within about two seconds and as many meters - CRASH!
On one winter's coldest nights, my son's school, the SMIC Private School of Beijing, held a charity performance.
I think two things when a foreigner in China greets me by saying: "Ni hao ma?".
Idolatry is a double-edged sword. It makes and breaks a celebrity with the same swiftness and irrationality.
I was nervous with anticipation on my way back to my hometown in Anhui province, as I knew my relatives would ask me when I plan to settle down.
"Get off the road," an old man shouts as I swerve hopelessly along on my electric bike, avoiding an endless number of obstacles.
After more than a decade living overseas, I've come to consider myself a somewhat savvy expat. Yet I recently paid a princely sum for a fish and still wonder if I've been had or not.