The government will encourage civil societies to play a greater role by simplifying registration while beefing up supervision.
The top health authority has rejected media reports suggesting China will legalize surrogacy in five to 10 years and pledged to continue to crack down on the illegal procedure.
Top political advisers and government officials are calling for more attention to be paid to environmental pollution in rural areas.
Top political advisers and government officials are calling for more attention to be paid to environmental pollution in rural areas.
Changes are being urged in China's farmland policies, including reforms in subsidies to farmers, as wasted or deserted land is challenging food security, lawmakers and advisers said.
China Marine Surveillance vessels expelled two Vietnamese ships from waters near the Xisha Islands during a routine patrol on Wednesday morning.
About 600 million people in rural China will participate in direct elections for village committees by the end of 2013, said Jiang Li, vice-minister of civil affairs, at a news conference on Wednesday.
Democratic elections have been carried out in almost all Chinese villages to ensure self governance at the grass-roots level.
Beijing will cull spending on receptions, vehicles and overseas trips for officials, according to the Beijing Finance Bureau on March 12.
The Chinese armed forces have been urged to learn from and carry out the key points conveyed in the latest speech by Xi Jinping, China's top military leader.
The change of China's leadership for a new term of five years was formally initiated by the national legislature, with a candidate list discussed by the presidium of the first session of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC) Tuesday afternoon.
Deputies to the National People's Congress expressed concern that the construction of a non-profit railway in western regions may be jeopardized if the Ministry of Railways is split.